Andriod Penetration Apps List

Today i Tell You The Most Papular Penetration Tool Apps For Android These Andriod Apps used in Penetration and Testing..

1. Kali NetHunter

  1. • Used for cracking WPA and WPS keys.
  1. • WiFi Frame Injection
  1. • Keyboard hijacking

2. zANTI Mobile

  1. • Gathers info about the connected network.
  1. • Tests vulnerabilities and performs MITM attacks.
  1. • Can send captures data by email.

3. cSploit


  1. • Maps the local network
  1. • Forge TCP or UDP packets.
  1. • Detect open ports
  1. • Capture fingerprint of host operating the system.

4. nMap/Network Mapper

  1. • Identify live hosts
  2. • Detects open ports
  3. • Send OS info

  4. 5. tPacketCapture
  5. Features:-
  6. • Similar to WireShark
  7. • Creates local VPN
  8. • Captures TCP packets

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