What is Session Hijacking?

WhatsApp session messages are all messages sent and received in response to a message from the user to your app. An email session starts when a user sends a message to your app and lasts 24 hours from the last message you received.

To find out if your WhatsApp website is active on an unknown device, go to the top three points in the top right corner of your WhatsApp window. Go to WhatsApp Web and see a list of all open sessions. This will allow you to see all the devices connected to your WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is currently rolling out a new feature that allows you to enable message disappearance for specific conversations. When activated, all your messages disappear from a discussion after seven days. Turn on disappearing messages by tapping the name of the contact or chat at the top of your screen.

QRLJacking Termux

qrljacking termux or Quick Response Code Login Jacking is a simple social engineering attack vector capable of session hijacking affecting all applications that rely on the "QR Code Connection" function as a secure way to connect to accounts. In a nutshell, the victim scans the attacker's QR code, resulting in a session hijacking.



There are many well-known web applications and services that were vulnerable to this attack until the date we wrote this article. Here are some examples (which we have reported), including, but not limited to:

qrljacking termux Chat Applications :

WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Weibo, QQ Instant Messenger
Mail services:

qrljacking termux QQ Mail (staff and company), Yandex Mail
electronic commerce:

qrljacking termux Alibaba, Aliexpress, Taobao, Tmall, 1688.com, Alimama, Taobao Travels
Online banking:

qrljacking termux AliPay, Yandex Money, TenPay
"Critical" passport services:

qrljacking termux Yandex passport (Yandex mail, Yandex money, Yandex cards, Yandex videos, etc.)
Mobile management software:

qrljacking termux AirDroid
Other services:

MyDigiPass, Zapper - Zapper WordPress Connection by plugin QR Code, Trustly App, Yelophone, Alibaba Yunos